Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ok, not that cold, but...

The menfolk have been loading the porch with the first rounds of heat and cookstove wood for the year and I couldn't resist starting just one fire in the cookstove.

Of course, it's going to die down. It just isn't cold enough for it, even in the cookstove!

I might simmer the ham and bean soup we've had on the back of the 'real' stove on here for just a while, though.

It smells so good. Well, the cookstove fire and the soup both smell good.

Hey -- where's the dulcimer christmas cd?? We need a little background music :o)

Stop laughing at me. I know it's barely into October. Still, a soft christmas music filtering through the air, a fire in the cookstove, a pot of soup to warm the dampness out of a body...what could be better?


Greentwinsmummy said...

Simply put? there is nothing better :o)
Fire in the hearth is like a welcome guest I think,it brings its own blessings.Hope your soup was delcious!
GTM x x

Anonymous said...

I am so wishing I had your fire right now. We are in Nebraska and it snowed this morning!!! It's a little early for snow, even here.

Thanks for your blogging. I really appreciate the info I find here.

:) jen b.

MyBulletinBoard said...

Springtime, that's what!


I so miss the wood cookstove I grew up with. We used it for heat as well. I am jealous!

Breezy Point Mom said...

Sounds wonderful. Looks very nice, too. It is 92 degrees here. I would like a crisp chill to arrive here some time soon.

Suze said...

I live in a warm part of Australia and we don't even have a heater. How lovely it would be to have a cool/cold Christmas. Enjoy the moment because I am certain the novelty wears off.

Sharm said...

Your right, I did love our wood stove in Winter and now we have moved to the tropical part of Australia there will be no more wood stove for us. Winter has not felt at all like winter this year and of course we are just going into Summer here in Australia.

Trixi said...

I know what you mean. It's not really COLD here yet but we went to the football game in Starkville yesterday and I thought I would freeze. I can't wait to start a fire in the wood heater. Oh, I love this time of year. I hope we get another snow!!

Unknown said...

You sound just like my husband, he's already talking about putting up the Christmas Tree. I won't let him, it is way to EARLY for that, but then he reminded me that Advent is only in about 6 weeks time.


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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