Sunday, September 6, 2009

Well now...

Ok, everyone is on the way out here for the surprise gathering and BOY DO I HAVE A BLOG POST FOR YOU WHEN WE GET HOME!


Yes, I'm a shameless teaser.

While you wait for the story, I'll give you a hint...

It involves a little red box in the gymnasium here.

Now -- What is it? What happened? Which children, if any, are party to it?



Lisa said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that somebody pulled the fire alarm?? But I couldn't been to suggest which of your little angels did that!

MyBulletinBoard said...

Oh, my. Did it make a lot of noise? Cause a big commotion?

Blessed Momma said...

Oh Mrs. Dewey! Not so early on a Sunday morning, and before my mate too. I can't begin to think. Enjoy your day!

DianeLynn said...

Have no idea...hurry up and share.
Can't wait! Blessings

Dana said...

Wow I must be tired, I can't even think of one thing, but the suspense will get to me I will be checking your blog for the "Little Red Box" Entry. Hope your enjoying your visit!!

Have a safe trip home!!

Captain Hook and Lady Crochet said...

Hmmm...sounds like someone pulled the fire alarm..LOL! I was a party to that when I was smaller.... :0)

Greg and Donna said...

OK, from your past posts I am thinking Jacob, the adventurous and a fire alarm.


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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