Make sure to get over to Homeschool Freebie of The Day all this week and collect the week-long goodies for The Constitution!! These will definitely be making an appearance as lapbook and notebook pages during our further studies.
Also, while there, sign up to receive their emails so you don't miss any of the great resources. It's usually just a single email to start your week...unless there are special goodies to share! Go on...we all get plenty of emails we aren't really interested in...might as well get something USEFUL in that inbox!
Malachi is really struttin' his stuff along the fence line these days...and putting a muggy, humid STINK around dour world :) we will be running a section of fence this week and starting breeding season! The humidity will kill us, I'm sure, but with the recent rains, at least we'll have a fighting chance to get the fence posts in the, ground...out there.
We have some baking to do, but it's been so rainy, the bread isn't much interested in rising decent, so hopefully today we can get it done. If not, biscuits will remain the bread d'jour around here again.
And schooling continues. A few more work pages and Columbus is totally retired :) We took those breaks to watch the documentaries last week instead of getting the last section of worksheets finished so Jamestown is waiting until next week.
Need I mention the sewing? Maybe I can get my groove back and knock out several more things off the (growing) clothing needs list :) Might even get my own dress and apron needs done. If I have to, August will be a major sewing month and I'll *schedule* it in daily!! Autumn may come late down here, but I really should have the cooler weather needs done by August. There's no excuse aside from I simply DON'T SIT TO DO IT.
What's on your school agenda this week? Are you getting ready to start a new level and get back to school?
We are in the hot and humid realm of the world also!! UGH!
Sounds like the freebies came at a perfect time for you this week.
Try to stay cool while putting in that fence. Might have to rise really early, work a few hours and then retire until evening.
stay safe.
We've got 2 weeks left before school starts. All the books are ordered and received. I've got to make our daily schedule and start some menu planning.
Sounds like a busy week has already started for you. I pray you have a wonderful day filled with the goodness and blessing from the Lord.
May the Lord sustain you in this humidity. I often dislike the long winters we have in Montana, but the summers are lovely. Generally the nights are in the low 50s and the days are in the 80s. It's a dry climate. We use lots of lotions and often use petroleum jelly in our noses due to the dryness. Wish you could visit for awhile!
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