Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Prepared Household: The Importance of Discretion in Preparedness

I will say that I do agree with this. When you prep for things, be it a storm season or something more long-term, discretion is and should be of importance.

Another side of me, though, says that prepping information needs to be shared, but of course specifics aren't necessary...or wise.

There has been a huge increase in the number of folks gathering prep information in the past couple years. A lot of these folks are coming from city-thinking where "stocking up" means buying 2 packs of toilet paper instead of one. I don't say city-thinking in any derogatory sense, just that I've never known anyone to live in the country and not have some level of stock in the house...even if it's just a pretty sidewalk garden row so they can make Aunt Erma's Salsa or something they can show off to friends with.

We prep here. There are days my husband thinks I've lost my last bag of marbles, but for the most part, he knows it just makes sense. Unemployment (there are no guarantees in any business/trade), storms (remember we lost an entire road for 4 days...) and worse do not need to cause panic in the family. It just takes planning and some motivation. I don't like the route the country is taking, so I'm motivated. And with preppers sharing their ideas and thoughts, the planning is all but done for you already.

Now, just how many rolls of TP I keep on hand is my business :) and while I'm sure my neighbors know I am fairly stocked on some necessities of life, they also know we are not about to take free loaders and uninvited undesirables lightly. Not without a lead shower, anyway.


Dana said...

~~~Now, just how many rolls of TP I keep on hand is my business :) and while I'm sure my neighbors know I am fairly stocked on some necessities of life, they also know we are not about to take free loaders and uninvited undesirables lightly. Not without a lead shower, anyway.~~~

I think that makes perfect sense!!
Its like the ant and the grass hopper, ya know?


MJ said...

So true. Thanks for highlighting my blog. :) Although, I just discovered you today, I plan to read more. Sounds like we are very like minded.

Feel free to check out my Youtube channel as well.

Thanks again. Melanie.


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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