Christopher called several times last night to let me know the sirens and speaker systems were yelling our his door. Everyone was told to take cover. Seems they take tornado safety and alert to a fairly high level around Albertville AL. He didn't have any troubles, but he'd forgotten how nerve-wracking that feeling of pouring rains and wind shears almost instantly turning into dead calm can be. He headed to a friend's house...keyword there being *house* instead of his mobile home.
They were saying on his radio that a tornado was at least spiking downward along Hwy 431, and they were reporting wind shears (straight line winds) in excess of 130 mph. during that first hit along the long storm line. The radars were showing nothing but deep reds and fuschias from Tuscaloosa straight up through the northeast corner of the state.
It was a rough night for a lot of folks. I haven't scanned the news this Sunday morning yet, but I was following the radar sweeps last night and the entire East coast from north to south was being attacked by everything from just simple rains to serious thunderstorms and tornado warnings.
And late last night...or was it early this morning?...I checked out the really great-sounding soaked wheat bread recipe Liz shared:
We will be trying this out tonight. I love the sponge recipes for wheat breads. They are the only ones that ever turn out decent. My recipes are all for using the sponge method, but I hadn't gone over to the soaked method yet. I've read several bloggers doing it and all the health benefits of it, but I don't know, just never felt 'inspired' enough to give it a try myself yet. Thanks Liz...we're moving to soaked now :o)
Today we are in high prayer over those job decisions. I believe we have gathered all the information we can right now and it's just a matter of what would The Lord have us truly do. It's not a lack of faith I don't think, but we simply can't keep Dewey home with us. It's just not feasible in this area. Folks here are Depression-Era frugal as it is, and they've all tightened their belts all the more lately. There's little odds and ends to be found, but from all our searching and discussing and 'fishing' there just isn't enough on a regular basis.
That leaves us with returning to work. I'm not dissin' the 9 to 5 thing -- there's a lot of folks without that option anymore, and it's a blessing to have that available, I do know this.
However, returning to work, for us here in the construction field anyway, means traveling again. You know the decision-making that went into that Arkansas leave of absence over a year ago. Dewey just returned home in August. And he's been HOME home without work since right before Christmas. That's 4 full months of Dewey, every channel, every hour :o). I can't imagine him just being GONE again.
But there's no work here. Construction isn't a big thing in MS, at least not right now. To do electrical work means travel to some extent. Right now, it plays out like this for us...Tennessee until December, but there's not much beyond that (at this point). Texas for 30 days. Then Arkansas after that. We don't want Texas for a month, but...
Arkansas would mean home weekends only. It would be about a 4 hour drive. Not doable for daily, but certainly weekly if there's no OT hours. Tennessee is 2 hours, home nightly, but we've done this, and when you have to leave by 4 am to be on time, and aren't back home until sometimes 8 really aren't 'home' in any family sense. You are bone-weary from working and driving and just want a meal, a shower and a straight line to bed.
Right now, the Arkansas job seems to be the only viable choice. It's a great job, I know. We are blessed to have that option, I know. But gone again?
Can you see why prayers are requested? We need definite guidance as we find a good sense of peace with this one.
Oh, Mark and Leigh-Ann...we'd love to meet at First Monday if Dewey's still around. Tell Leigh-Ann she's kind of slacking off as my weather radio :o) LOL... Maybe she only works for my driving into it there in your area. Course that last trip toward Memphis was a doozy with that steel grey and black storm I ran smack into!
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