Thursday, September 17, 2009

Watched A Movie Last Night

Normally, our few DVD times are spent with oldies...Daniel Boone, Dr. Quinn Medicne Woman, maybe something like an old Sherlock Holmes, Errol Flynn as Robin Hood, etc.

Well, last night, I got the movie Seven Pounds, with Will Smith.


Maybe it's just me, but man, I cried through that whole thing! First I was crying at how incredibly hurtful and mean he was to the blind phone operator at the very start of the movie. Decided I wasn't watching it at all.

Then I got sucked right back ina bit later. And cried cried cried.

The last movie I watched that really aggravated me to tears was Michael, with John Travolta. When he died at then end, it caught me totally off my guard. Guess I just don't get 'deep' into the zen of most movies, because I should have seen that one coming.

At any rate, personally, I loved the Seven Pounds movie. Maybe I just needed a good cry.

Now we're back to things like Bringing Up Baby, original Treasure Island, and Little House on The Prairie :o). No kleenex required kind of stuff.


MyBulletinBoard said...

We love all the old ones with Lionel Barrymore, Cary Grant, Irene Dunn, etc. Arsenic and Old Lace is one of my favorites.

Naturally Blessed Mama said...

very good movie! I cried too!


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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