Monday, June 28, 2010

Plan A was...

Wild Child getting a visit with the dentist for a splintered tooth, but she's been away on vacation and is over-booked, so on with Plan B!

Plan B really should be considered Plan A anyway :) We have sewing for Emily's birthday goodies, laundry, baking, schooling...regular everyday things.

We are under a high heat alert again. Same ol' same ol'...we have the humidity and heat alert every day right now. Back up in the 108s or above again all this week it's looking. The pups stay hidden most of the day with the heat. The goats have done great...guess they just needed to acclimate a bit at first. Not that the fan in the barn does much...air flow may normally be a good thing, but when it's super-heated air, what's the point?

Camisoles, bloomers, aprons, a couple more dresses...then the list repeats for KatiAnne, then Abigail. I'm not even ready to start thinking boys pants and shirts! It's hard to wrap my mind around needing to start the fall/winter list with this much heat!

Go over to YouTube and hunt up KnitDenise for some great tutorials on Tunisian crochet stitches -- Honeycomb, Cross and Off-Set Cross, knit, purl, and more. I'm going to definitely get a set of Denise hooks -- beats having so many separate ones lying about my yarn stash.

Next project for Dewey's weekend home is making some concrete forms under the porch we enclosed. My front door is still wonky. After 5 years, wouldn't you figure that the house and porch and whatnot would be totally settled?! :::sigh::: Nope. Not on this clay muck. We have been jacking the front post up, even dug down and set a cinderblock pillar for support...which we keep jacking up and shimming every other day still. Grrr. Real houses don't have this many issues. I've never ever ever had this many problems with a real, normal house. Not even the big farmhouse that was well over 100 years old! Stick me in a trailer and I start sinking :(
Annoyances of life I guess.

I'd better get moving and catch up to the schooling going on around me!

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Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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