Friday, April 2, 2010

Special Weekend...

Good Friday...
Resurrection Sunday...

"Because of Christ's glorious resurrection, only the tomb is empty."

That was a bit shared on a blog this morning.
Because we serve a RISEN God...
Because HE is no longer in the tomb...
Because He is not bound by death or earth...

We have FULL lives.

Not full as in frivolous or busy. Not full as in activities and busy-ness. But FULL as in called to a mission, drawn by a heart- desire, filled with something stronger and higher than what little this world offers us daily to 'fill' the gaps it tells us we have.

Because HE left the tomb EMPTY, we have a FULL true life, bursting at the seams with things this world will never match.

So, stop feeling overwhelmed with the 'things' that the world says you need, or should be doing. Schedule according to the grace you've been given.


~katie~ said...

Thanks for this encouragement this morning!

Be blessed this weekend!
Psalm 18:46

mrshester said...

Amen! I think I'm gonna have to share this on my Facebook :) Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!!


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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