The olders started pulling off the remaining pickets and lattice from the front porch rails and such. One wall and window made it in will look great when it's done. I can't wait!
The youngers did some flashcards with each other and some copywork while I worked on a couple things in the kitchen. Namely, Playdoh making and a trial run on some crescent rolls from Fresh From The Farm/Farmchick's Kitchen blog.
YUM. I will definitely make up many batches of these and tuck them into the freezer for quick add-ons to meals. they make up really quick anyway, but like she said, one less thing to stress over come Thanksgiving ;o) As rolls they are delicious! I can see using them for our Cherry Cheese Rolls and even some ultra quickie cinnamon rolls. It's a keeper recipe for sure.
After those were mixed and ready (we let them rise a short time), we did a quad batch of this Playdoh recipe. I had the recipe written out as double already, but when I started making it, I figured more was better, so we doubled again ;o) The A to Z Kids Stuff site has recipes for everything crafty for kids...silly putty, finger paints, peanut butter playdoh, soap crayons, etc. Worth bookmarking for later.
The playdoh was a pain to mix...well, not really, but yeah, a pain. My carpal tunnel is screaming at me right a foreign language even. Man, my wrists haven't hurt this bad since digging those post holes for all those raspberry bushes!
But it's worth it. By mixing the larger batch like that, we have 12 baggies of doh here now, about the same size as the cans from the store. We made it up in one large batch, then divided it off as we wanted and kneaded in coloring to each of those. We used a good 8-12 drops of the liquid coloring for each because less than that seemed to be pretty light colored yet. I should have pulled out the paste coloring and tried would have worked up a bit darker, I think. Still, my group didn't care if it was colored at all...nekked playdoh plays as well as colored :o) And the best part of the 'cooked' playdoh versions are they last so much longer -- providing you keep them in something relatively air-tight. Ours are in baggies. Pint jars would work...or playdoh containers if you already had some just begging for use.
And, scanning the Google Reader, I bookmarked a ton of goodies I need to get back these:
Making Cheese from Powdered Milk at Preparedness Matters
A One Year Meal Rotation List and A Sweet Sourdough Starter & Bread over at The Vintage Homemaker
And another Green Gables movie is coming I could shop forever here. We love Avonlea!
Gotta get back to scootin...poor computer has been sitting on all day, with things loading, downloading, printing and what-not. It needs a rest. So do I. Wonder where my Avonlea disks are.....
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