So, we go to a spring fed lake to get our water. They have plumbed the spring into an area and set up a spout and tank for overflow, etc.
Yes, I drink water from the ground. Technically so do you city-dwellers on those fancy water systems, but anyway...
The lake is really peaceful...especially lately given all the rain, alot of folks aren't making the trek for water. As long as it's not raining hard the day or night before, we go. I watch for any settlement in the water tanks before we use them, and we've had very few issues. Well, it wasn't raining but a light mist Tuesday for the most part, so off we went to the watering hole. It's not as hot outside, so we use less water now it seems and only had 9 of our 21 3 gal. jugs to fill. That made the time go quickly.
On the sewing front, I've been doing a couple shirts for my boys here and I need to finish the ones ordered by a friend yet. My crochet project is finished and will be mailed out soon. Oh, those PIF's are still sitting here...I need to take them into town and see about packing properly and getting them mailed off. Good grief, I can certainly procrastinate!
Well, downloads are slowly finishing...and still not those pictures. Check back later. I'll add them in. I need to get the baking done. We are doing a double batch of our Amish Sugar Cookies, and I love the sound of these Homemade Poptarts! And don't these Homemade Mozzerella Sticks sound yummy? I haven't made them in a long time (since finding the recipe, actually!) and I think we'll do some this weekend.
I need to plan what we want for Thanksgiving, too. No family to do up a large meal for, but Dewey is one of those plan large anyway sorts, so we'll have a TON of food, even with just us. LOL...then again, we are feeding 12 (Christopher and Hope will hopefully make it over from Alabama), so what's a 'small meal' really?
And no, I'm not going to stop blogging (sorry to those of you wishing it were so...) over someone not liking my blog, or my tact (or lack thereof) or style or whatever you want to call it. Like I said, this isn't Sesame don't have to like me. That's what the delete button is for...and the space bar...there's a whole big world web out there just waiting for you to find something you do like :o) I encourage you to test the webbing and check it out...
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