Monday, September 21, 2009

Want in on another Pay-It-Forward?

Sara and Blessed Simplicity (linked in my blog list on the right sidebar) is ready to host her PIF and is looking for 3 ladies to join her.

I just can't believe no one wants to share in the blessings of a Pay-It-Forward Give Away. You sign up with a current give-away -- like Sara's :o) -- and she will craft a wonderful handmade gift for you, her participants.

We try to be timely, of course, but you know, life happens and things get busy now and again. In general, the PIF's aim for about a month turn-around time I've noticed.
When your PIF gift is mailed out, it becomes your turn to Pay It Forward. You host a give-away on your own blog, or Yahoo group, forum, etc. You select 3 participants and it all goes round again, each blessing others.

Now doesn't that sound fun? Who wouldn't want to share the blessing of joining in on a PIF?

Get over to Blessed Simplicity and sign up while you can for the next round of Pay-It-Forward!


Naturally Blessed Mama said...

Thanks for sharing this on your blog, I couldn't believe there wasn't anybody who wanted to participate right away, I was thrilled to get a chance to receive something handmade and then in return give something away. I now have one definate participant, I'm scouring my books for just the right handmade project to send out....

In His Grace,

Paula said...

I've only got one signed up too. I would think people would enjoy getting a surprise in the mail. I know I do.


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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