Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Crafting the Homestead Apothecary, my favorite resources (so far!)

As I build my homestead apothecary I visit several sites and glean all I can in the way of herbal recipes, natural health options, beautiful printables for my binders, recipe cards printables and more
 We've come a long way in our journey of "alternative medicines" this once popular children's syrup, loaded with morphine and cocaine...or the cocaine toothache drops...WOW!

I have been working hard this past year at building my knowledge base with online sources. I have always been more 'natural' than common RX and OTC medicines, but this past year I have really moved down the path of relearning the lost art of the herbal apothecary with actual coursework and as many goodies as I could find online...
  • the Intermediate Herbal Course from The Herbal Academy
  • Ultimate Bundle bonuses like an essential oil mini course, more ebooks than I can even count, and a year's access to the Herbarium 
  • several great videos and PDFs thru The Christian Herbal Conference  from last year
  • the Herbalism 101, Herbs & Oils: Beyond the Basics, Essential Oils for Families, and starting soon, Confident Family Herbalist course from Vintage Remedies
  • Monthly subscription access to Herb Mentor, a site full of like Herbal Basics, Herbs in Practice, Learning Your Plants series, Food as Medicine...more videos and interviews than I can even tell you about, several great reference sources including an Herbalpedia, and a wonderful community of folks ready to share their experiences and knowledge with each other..all for a $1 week trial or $9.95 monthly subscription. Well worth the subscription!
  • Amercian Botanical Council's Herbal Library is incredible (I go to the German Commission E monographs often!
  • Annie's Remedies has several herbs shared
  • Henriette's Herbal Homepage is a definitely go-to
  • Herbnet
Pink Pills for Pale People...such a PR slogan, LOL

There has been a lot of reading as I build my home library with wonderful resources...

 I still have a lot to learn. One day my prayer is most of the common illnesses and medical moments I come across will be treated quickly, with information that has been built upon study and experience, and has become second nature to me. I want to be able to instantly bring to mind a short list of health options, and to have these items available in my yard, ready to wild forage from our woods and creek bottom, or preserved and waiting in the herbal pantry. Once upon a time, our ancestors had much of this knowledge, but it has been replaced by the Tylenols, Robitussins, and ibuprofens of our present day.

The art of The Home Apothecary is gone from much of our mindset these days. I pray I can instill the love of natural healing, of the medicines God has placed along our paths, in my children and grand-children. I have a long way to go, but I've taken those first steps by being intentional :-)
What is holding you back from starting the journey?

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Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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