Monday, March 7, 2016

Blakefield's Mansion ebook GIVEAWAY!!!

I am hosting a giveaway of free Kindle copy of my daughter's book, Blakefield's Mansion.
I made it simple...the first FIVE to claim their prize win.
This is totally FREE and you of course owe me nothing in return. That said I would LOVE to have you share your honest review, good or bad, on the Blakefields Mansion Amazon page, as well as here on the blog. You can also leave your thoughts on the Facebook Fan Page here. Click the yellow link below to claim your free gift:
(giveaway is now closed)

Don't worry if you miss out this time around. You can purchase a copy yourself via Amazon, as well as the AnySubject website. And I will be doing another Giveaway again soon!


Leigh-Ann said...

Really? For free? Well that makes you rock!! It's so exciting that Jen has written a book!!

Sisterbrenda said...

Oh I would love to have a copy and give a review...


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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