Sunday, January 31, 2016

Walk Thru Scripture: The Days of Moses, and some new reading here

Here are the next readings for our Walk Thru Scripture, chronological study

Jan 31...Exodus 4-6
Feb 1...Exodus 7-9
Feb 2...Exodus 10-12
Feb 3...Exodus 13-15
Feb 4...Exodus 16-18
Feb 5...Exodus 19-21
Feb 6...Exodus 22-24

Here is the link I shared in group for Matthew Henry's Commentary for our journey thru Exodus. 

I had been offline but for the cell phone peeks all week due to having Dewey and the boys home after their month-long job up north. I didn't really chat it up with the last reading at all, but I am nonetheless enjoying the time in Scripture. It's definitely a much-needed part of my day. 

I admit though I am not setting aside a specific time to delve into The Word, but am grabbing my moments as they present themselves in my day...between chores, schooling, the now crawling, never lacking motion grandson, LOL. 

I need specific time. We all do. 

Sure, God is speaking to me in those stolen moments, but he and I both deserve far more attention to His Word than stolen moments. I need to work on that and get my priorities set back into proper order.

I'm excited to see the Amazon delivery this week (no, I don't get Amazon deliveries often!). I have a few books coming in that piqued my interest and I can't wait to dig into them.  

I have Own Your Life, by Sally Clarkson coming in, with the study guide.
Do you ever long for days full of joy and energy―days that bring out the best version of you rather than leave you exhausted? Do you sometimes catch yourself wishing life was more impactful and fulfilling? In a world that’s moving so fast, it’s easy to lose your sense of purpose. So now is the time to make each moment of your ordinary, everyday, beautiful existence count. It’s time to own your life.
Sally Clarkson’s Own Your Life is a breath of fresh air into the life and soul of a busy woman. Like a faithful friend, Sally journeys with you to explore what it means to live meaningfully, follow God truly, and bring much-needed order to your chaos. Each page offers deeply personal, authentic, and practical guidance to help you build an intentional life. Discover what it means to own your life, and dare to trust God’s hands as He richly shapes your character, family, work, and soul.
 I also have Spiritual Mothering, by Susan Hunt...
Presents a fully biblical and extremely practical vision for intergenerational ministry so that women of all ages can know the blessing of spiritual mother-daughter relationships.
For many churches, women's ministries, and women's Bible study groups, the missing element of discipleship is the interpersonal aspect. Titus 2:3-5 clarifies what mature spiritual relationships between generations of women should look like. Susan Hunt unveils how to put that model into action with stories of biblical and contemporary women who have responded to God's call, as well as page after page of personal encouragement, practical insight, and ministry-tested how-to's.
Through this wisdom-packed book, churches, groups, and individuals will be equipped to reach across generational lines-and inspired to experience the blessing of nurturing, godly relationships so that every Christian woman may flourish in her faith.
 And Taking Motherhood to Hearts, another by Sally Clarkson
 In a rapidly secularizing culture that is losing its heart for biblical motherhood, Sally calls mothers back to God’s design to restore moms’ hearts to God’s heart for motherhood. Taking Motherhood to Hearts is a handbook and heartbook for starting, leading, and tending a Mom Heart small group. It’s filled with inspirational “why to” vision, practical “how to” advice, and motivational “can do” encouragement.
 And for just plain reading enjoyment...which I like to do once in a while, LOL...
Rural Free: A Farmwife's Almanac, by Rachel Peden
 Rural Free, first published in 1961, beautifully conveys the joys of family life on an Indiana farm. Marked by the slow pace and rich variety of seasonal change, Rachel Peden’s narrative offers an authentic month-by-month chronicle of her family’s daily adventures. Today, as the slow-food movement gathers support and more urban dwellers return to the land to plant roots again in honest soil, Peden’s stories of country life and her lessons on sustainability, frugality, and wastefulness gain a special resonance. Rural Free will be a source of inspiration for all who rejoice in rural virtues and the spiritual freedom of country life.
 And finally, another one 'just for reading,' My Life as an Amish Wife, Lena Yoder
"After three hours of chores, breakfast, phone calls, and getting mail ready, it was 9:30 by the time I got to sewing. I sewed three blouses before noontime."
As an Amish wife and mother of six, Lena Yoder has plenty of ways to fill her time.
"I helped with the afternoon milking, baked two different kinds of cakes, made two pizzas, and got everybody ready to take supper to school for the teachers."
But amid the endless tasks to complete and challenges to overcome, Lena's simple joy and deep faith are ever present in these brief, first-person accounts.
"I am thoroughly enjoying these days at home...Our family is filled with love...I could never list everything I am thankful for."
These unassuming glimpses of Amish life will touch your heart and inspire you to seek the simple things--a loving family, a good day's work, and a grateful heart.
I have some ideas, a vision, for how I'd like my year to go, and these books are all part of my personal encouragement and (hopefully) inspiration to keep that path going toward the vision I have. As a mom of 9, 3 of those grown and on their own lives, and the others not too terribly far behind, I should be tapping into that Titus 2 mode in myself. I don't mainly because I see the failures and fault lines of my motherhood calling and experience, and I still seek out others to be the Titus 2 model. Do I really have anything worthwhile to share with other mothers? I don't see much, but perhaps it's there and just needs some encouraging and coaxing out of the shadows. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being hopeful. Still, the vision includes a part of that and I thought some reading and encouraging might help me along this year. We shall see :-)

I hope you're joining us for our chronological reading of Scripture, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on any particular verses or sections that stick out as you read! Share a comment or 2 please!


AMBER said...

Reading along with you. Please continue to post reading material. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hi Amber. I'm glad to hear you're reading along. I will certainly keep sharing, along with any notes and discussions we have on the FB group. If you're on Facebook at all and would like to join our discussion there (it's not super active, there are just a handful of us), please drop me a message and I'll get you in there.
If you have any comments or thoughts to share as you read on your own, I'd love to hear them. If you'd rather not have them posted on the blog, just let me know when you comment so I know not to publish it.

Anonymous said...

I got Lena Yoder's book for Christmas. I am reading it slowly to make it last. Have you read her other book The Farmers Wife? I was wondering if it was good too. I have also been rising earlier to spend time in the Word. Really early, and this morning was the first time I wasn't half asleep. Something so precious about the hours before dawn. Not a legalistic thing, it's just special. ~Diane W.

Unknown said...

Hi Diane. No I haven't read The Farmer's Wife. I'll add that to my list though. I read so many reviews of this book, and each one said the same thing...I'm reading thru slowly, trying not to rush and devour it all in one setting. That to me is the sign of a good book!


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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