We did have Dewey home a couple times this month, and he'll be in again this weekend for 3 days for our anniversary. That's been nice. The headache he has to deal with leaving the job site under another Superintendent isn't so nice, but these days, decent grown men willing to actually WORK for a living are scarce it seems. He is basically becoming a babysitter of grown-up man-children.
...but I won't even get started on that. Lucky you. I have extremely strong opinions on the lazy, uselessness of a growing majority of today's workforce. I imagine you already suspected as much, though.
Dewey had his ortho visit, two of them already. First visit, he was given a cursory view and a cortisone shot. It actually helped more than he expected. I mean, he is still in some pain and discomfort, but nothing like he was before the shot, so that's a plus for sure. The next visit was basically pointless....
Dr: How did the shot work?
Dewey: Well. There is still some discomfort, but it's more tolerable than it was.
Dr: That's good. Well, the shot is all we can do for you. Go ahead and call me to schedule the surgery whenever you feel the shot has out-lived its usefulness.
And out the door he went O.o
So....I guess whenever this current job winds up, we'll plan for some down time and his surgery. Or maybe I'll just use my feminine wiles to keep his home when he arrives this weekend...
I've been working on the same slow-going diagonal box stitch afghan I started after this holdiays. Dewey has enjoyed, and gotten plenty of use, of the one I made for him for Christmas, and I'm sure we'll like having an extra here for the couch. Part of my slow-motion on that afghan has been the start of another one, for an online friend. I posted some ideas on my Facebook Wall for a possible crocheted block swap I am thinking about, and she loved this Daisy Granny block. We discussed her favorite color ideas, and I got started. The blocks I'm working up are daisies with bright orange centers, and the surrounding block rows are being done in a robin's egg blue, a navy blue, tea leaf green, and a pretty, soft brown called cafe latte. I'm really liking the colors so far. I've figured I will need roughly 140 blocks to get a decent sized afghan. I'm about half-way there.
I've also started on my knitting goal. I know the mechanics of knitting, I just don't do it well. It isn't comfortable for me coming from my long-term, crochet-only yarnwork. The needles and yarn are clunky and fiddly for me, but oh whatever...I am going to master this to at least a passable level. I love knitted items, and I fully intend to add several goodies to my Grandmother's Hope Chest for future grandbabies. So, onward I trod, clunky and fiddly needles and all!
I've also been working on homestead plans for the year. I've got ideas for shelters in the goat and cow areas, and for some feed bins and field troughs. These aren't fancy at all, trust me. I know my carpentry skills and they simply don't lend themselves to fancy barns and high quality feeders, but they do get me by and we don't always have the appearance of total hillbilly rustic-ness.
My garden plans are, as every year, ambitious considering I never harvest much more than brown weedy growth and frustration. This year, the main garden will be in the back yard, where Miss Judy the Jersey lived for a good 3 seasons, depositing her wonderful bovine compost material. If that ground proves to be as useless as the rest of the clay crud out here, even after all that wonderful compost and manure, I will have to concede that I'm destined for only farmer's markets to stock my pantry. I will plant in the side area as well, where we got off to such a great looking start last year, and perhaps between the two of them, and some well-placed granular fertilizer, we will see a suitable homestead garden come to fruition.
Schooling moves along as we spend the year with the Middle Ages. I found some goodies at the dollar store back in the autumn, some costume parts like helmets, swords, breast-plates, gauntlets...they will have a lot of fun re-creating the many tales of Robin Hood, of King Arthur, of knights and castle's won. Our lapbooks are coming along nicely, although perhaps a bit hodge-podged with the collection of varied resources I've gathered for our use during my online travels.
I am back on track, with any luck, on posting the Science Week studies on the school blog, too...

Let's just say we have a lengthy list of titles to get us started. I'll try to keep them up-to-date here or on the school blog. Maybe someone else will join in and we can do some list encouragement.
I am sorry to hear that Dewey is looking at surgery. That is definitly not something I know your family wants to have happen. I pray he finds some relief, and if he does end up in surgery that it will be successful and recovery quick and easy.
It's good to hear how everything is going for you. I love reading about your homestead, and dream of one day having our own. For now we enjoy the tundra and the fish and berries available to us from this land.
I read all of the Wrinkle in Time Books growing up and LOVED them. They are now one of my daughter's favorites. I am sure your children will love them as well.
Hope you have a great rest of the week.
PS....totally agree with you on the work ethic of people today. My mom and I were just having that convo a few days ago. Sigh.
It sounds like a lot to me :) Will be keeping Dewey and the shoulder situation in prayer.
If I may, I have a suggestion for your garden. Have you ever tried lasagna gardening? That is how I'm doing mine this year. Right now in my garden space,which was graciously built by my landlord before I moved in, is a layer of horse manure and a layer of leaves. I'm going to top it with about a three inch layer of top soil, then some dried cow manure and then on top of that I'm going to put about a two inch layer of trees that have been run through a chipper. I got this idea from the film Back To Eden, which you can watch for free on the internet. Hope you don't mind the suggestion. I totally agree with your lifestyle and am so happy I found your blog again. My computer crashed and I lost it. Thanks for posting about your lifestyle.
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