::::arpal Tunnel Syndrome is a nerve disorder that affects the wrist and hand. It causes swelling, tingling, loss of strength and pain. There are small bones inside the wrists that form a carpal tunnel or a grove. Tendons and the median nerve that controls the sensations and feelings in the palm side of your hand passes through this tunnel to get from the forearm to the hand. When the tissues inside the tunnel swell and become irritated they pinch the wrist nerve causing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Repetitive movements of the hands and fingers for a prolonged time without rest can put pressure on the nerve. Hormonal changes that causes fluid retention can also cause pressure and swelling in the carpal tunnel. Inflammatory arthritis in the wrist can also cause CTS.
So what are some of the symptoms?
Numbness, tingling, burning of the wrist and hand, with the index and fingers and thumb most affected. It starts slowly to eventually lead to weakness in the hand. As it gets worse the pain may move up towards the arm.
There are some information that a B6 deficiency may be the cause of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. According to Jill Stansbury, N.D, from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Oregon, vitamin B6 seems to relieve symptoms of CTS. It seems to work best on mild to moderate cases of CTS. Studies in the 70's found the connection between CTS and low levels of vitamin B6
St.John's Wort has been used for thousands of years for nerve pain and tingling. Stansbury also says that St.John has been used to help damaged, inflamed or strained nerves to recover. It's anti-inflammatory property aids in reducing the swelling of the tendons, while its analgesic property aids in reducing the pain.
The inflammation of the tendons needs to be reduced if the pain is to disappear. There are several natural anti-inflammatory agents that can be used.
Bromelain is an enzyme from pineapple and it has natural anti-inflammatory properties. It needs to be taken between meals so it can do its job reducing inflammation.
Turmeric has been used in Ayuredic Medicine for inflammation and pain. It is an herb with the powerful anti-inflammatory chemical curcumin. It has similarities with cortisone, but is not as strong.
White Willow contains the constituent salicylates which has anti-inflammatory properties.
Chamomile contains chamazulene, bisabolol, and cyclic esthers which are known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Chamomile can be used as a tea or the essential oil can be added to massage oil.
Boswellia extract is derived from the resin of the boswellia tree. The anti-inflammatory effect of boswellia is similar to the properties of NSAID.
Cayenne contains compounds that are both pain relieving and anti-inflammatory.
Arnica increases circulation and may reduce pain and swelling.
Aloe vera, yarrow, devil's claw, yucca and yarrow are also helpful for restoring flexibility and reduce inflammation.
Ginko increases the circulation as well as aids the nerve function. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.
Other things to consider are:
Flax seed oil soothes the inflamed tissues and nerves.
Bioflavonoids are high in antioxidants and have therefore traditionally been used to treat injuries since according to Dr. Potthoff, D.C, N.D, they promote healing and relieve pain.
Calcium and Magnesium is said to reduce nerve irritation and muscle tightness.
Following a diet of whole some foods without chemicals is important. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and pure water are needed.
Especially eat foods high in vitamin B6 such as avocados, nuts, bananas, whole grains and chicken. Avoid salt and food containing sodium since they promote water retention and may make Carpal Tunnel Syndrome worse. Eat foods with oxalic acid, or that lead to the production of oxalic acid in moderation. Large amount of oxalic acid can promote joint problems. This includes cabbage, spinach, asparagus, rhubarb, eggs, fish.
Include fresh pineapple if possible in the diet since it is a natural source of bromelain.:::::
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