Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Living Room After

I know, I know...can't see any big difference, heh? There is, really.

Man, did I have a ton of useless paper clutter on (and around) the desk :o(

It doesn't look a lot better - suppose, but we have the school books back into some order, I could actually use the computer now at the desk -- I have space to actual sit there :o). The paper clutter has mostly been shredded and sent to the barn (not enough for chicken bedding, but a start for nesting boxes). Some though some was filed away to keep.

The yarn baskets are taken care of properly, but I still have the ironing board out, and I have fabric clutter, as usual. That's just everyday life here.

No room work today really -- we have been baking, and some Netflix came for schooling :o). We are watching National Geographic specials and the like on Pharoahs, Mummies and ancient Egypt. Not exactly following the schedule of US state studies or our Live Class Nim's Island. We are eclectic in a lot of areas, though :o)


Amy said...

I could probably equal you in the useless paper area. I'm a little more brutal in my throwing away of things, but my husband keeps a receipt from 1985.

Naturally Blessed Mama said...

It looks great! As long as it makes you feel better, that's what matters. The paper clutter kills me, I just can't seem to get it under control. We are doing good on the family room, the couch and tv area are all nice and straightened, I still need to tackle my sewing desk, and the school stuff, uggh, not looking forward to that, but it must be done.

Anonymous said...

You did a fabulous job! Question: do you sort your school books by subject, or another way. My scattered brain needs them by subject, otherwise I cannot find anything. Can't wait to move into a place of our own, and build up my library again.


Jeremiah 6:16
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.

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